TDPUD Sets Standards of Energy and Water Efficiency
The Truckee Donner Public Utility District (TDPUD) has long been involved in setting standards of energy efficiency in the Truckee Region. Since the early 90s, the District has provided customers with a number of services and programs that successfully help homeowners and businesses control their energy costs. One of the District¹s more popular programs is its Energy Survey. On an Energy Survey, a TDPUD conservation services specialist will conduct a walk through of a home or place of business, evaluate the energy-use situation and recommend ways to make the location more energy efficient. Some past program participants, implementing these cost-effective energy saving recommendations, have significantly reduced their monthly energy bills. Another way the District is setting energy efficient standards was by helping to create an energy and water conservation demonstration site located at 11036 Donner Pass Road. Residents can drop by, and with the help of a self-guided tour brochure, learn firsthand about many of the ways they can better utilize our energy resources.
The TDPUD is in the process of developing a landscape water conservation program that is expected to be implemented this summer. The TDPUD has a rich history in the Truckee Region, and was formed in 1927 when after a five-year drought the Truckee River wasn¹t able to turn the water wheel for Truckee Electric Company¹s private generator. Frustrated area voters succeeded in a petition resulting in the formation of a public utility district. For the first 20 years of operation, the Truckee Donner Public Utility District operated with a staff of four part-time employees and served a few dozen houses and shops in the downtown area. Today, the TDPUD maintains a staff of 55 full-time employees, and serves approximately 11,400 electric customers and 10,700 water customers living within 44 square miles. Its mission, however, hasn¹t changed: to provide area residents with superior services while keeping rates low, providing quality programs and contributing to the community. Presenting the Truckee Home & Building Show each year, is just one of the many ways the TDPUD serves our area.The TDPUD is owned and controlled by its electric and water customers. The District provides customers with vital public services including power and water, and is governed by a five-member Board of Directors, each elected to serve a four-year term. District Board meetings are open to the public and are held the first and third Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m. at the District headquarters, 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, California. For more information visit the TDPUD display at the Truckee Home & Building Show on Memorial Day Weekend or call 530-587-3896.
The Truckee Donner Public Utility District (TDPUD) has long been involved in setting standards of energy efficiency in the Truckee Region. Since the early 90s, the District has provided customers with a number of services and programs that successfully help homeowners and businesses control their energy costs. One of the District¹s more popular programs is its Energy Survey. On an Energy Survey, a TDPUD conservation services specialist will conduct a walk through of a home or place of business, evaluate the energy-use situation and recommend ways to make the location more energy efficient. Some past program participants, implementing these cost-effective energy saving recommendations, have significantly reduced their monthly energy bills. Another way the District is setting energy efficient standards was by helping to create an energy and water conservation demonstration site located at 11036 Donner Pass Road. Residents can drop by, and with the help of a self-guided tour brochure, learn firsthand about many of the ways they can better utilize our energy resources.
The TDPUD is in the process of developing a landscape water conservation program that is expected to be implemented this summer. The TDPUD has a rich history in the Truckee Region, and was formed in 1927 when after a five-year drought the Truckee River wasn¹t able to turn the water wheel for Truckee Electric Company¹s private generator. Frustrated area voters succeeded in a petition resulting in the formation of a public utility district. For the first 20 years of operation, the Truckee Donner Public Utility District operated with a staff of four part-time employees and served a few dozen houses and shops in the downtown area. Today, the TDPUD maintains a staff of 55 full-time employees, and serves approximately 11,400 electric customers and 10,700 water customers living within 44 square miles. Its mission, however, hasn¹t changed: to provide area residents with superior services while keeping rates low, providing quality programs and contributing to the community. Presenting the Truckee Home & Building Show each year, is just one of the many ways the TDPUD serves our area.The TDPUD is owned and controlled by its electric and water customers. The District provides customers with vital public services including power and water, and is governed by a five-member Board of Directors, each elected to serve a four-year term. District Board meetings are open to the public and are held the first and third Wednesday of each month, 7 p.m. at the District headquarters, 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, California. For more information visit the TDPUD display at the Truckee Home & Building Show on Memorial Day Weekend or call 530-587-3896.